Thursday, July 3, 2008

When the Monkeys Came to Town

This morning we awoke to another beautiful after a full night of hard rain. In Santa Barbara this much rain would mean "Storm Watch." In Costa Rica it is part of the plan and the next morning there are very signs of abundant precipitation.
After a breakfast of cold cereal, mangos, papayas and some of the best bananas I have tasted we went for a few hours to the beach (7-9:30am). Yes, you read it right. High School students will get up early for the beach!!
When the beach time was over we came back for team meeting, worship, prayer and solo time. The team meeting, worship and prayer time was meaningful as we asked the standard question, "What did God teach you today?"
I sent the team off for their daily 30 minute quiet time but 2 minutes in we were invaded by four monkeys in the tree outside the Leon home. Needless to say, quiet time ended as we stood amazed to see live monkeys in the wild! God has created a world of variety and we experienced another piece today.

After a great lunch in the homes of our local friends Vacation Bible School set up began. We saw new kids, taught many of them "Jesus Loves Me" for the first time and had the opportunity to share the love of Christ with them. Between lots of water fights, soccer, crafts and parrots flying in among us we cared for and blessed the children.

We are all healthy and happy to serve the Lord. Thanks for your love and prayers that sustain us moment by moment.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Doug for the reports, we read them daily. What a great trip you are having! We look forward to your return home and more stories of your time in Costa Rica. What a great thing you all are doing, God's army spreading His love, message, and fellowship.
    Send us some of your rain. As you have probably heard we are having another dangerous fire here. Please pray for the people of Goleta that the fire is put out before any more damage is done. We will continue to pray for all of you. Much love, Mark Huston
